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Distributor of industrial chemical sodium Bromate in Chennai

Ennore India chemical RX-SOL  International group is a Sodium Bromate supplier. Ennore chemical supplies Sodium Bromate to various industries for a variety of applications and uses. Ennore India chemical is an importer of Sodium Bromate to numerous countries around the world. Manufacturers rely on Ennore India for a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective supply of Sodium Bromate. Ennore India works with competitive and reliable manufacturers of Sodium Bromate to provide supply chain solutions for our customers.


Sodium bromate is mainly used in continuous or batch dyeing processes involving sulfur or vat dyes and as permanently, chemical agent, or gold solvent in gold mines when used with sodium bromide.

Sodium bromate is produced by passing bromine into a solution of sodium carbonate. It may also be produced by the electrolytic oxidation of sodium bromide. Alternatively, it can also be created by the oxidation of bromine with chlorine to sodium hydroxide at 80 °C


Ennore supplies Sodium Bromate to users/customers for Industrial Chemicals.
If you have any query regarding the product, you can feel free to contact us on Email:-

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